Thursday, October 24, 2013

Mango Cures Breast Cancer

Mango Cures Breast Cancer

A recent research says, that mango is a potent preventive and cure for breast cancer.
Laboratory tests conducted, revealed that the fruit is loaded with polyphenols. Polyphenols are anti - oxidants that are free elementary scavengers and destroyers and promote health.
The endowment of these polyphenols was assessed in patients suffering from breast cancer. Results of the clinical trial demonstrated that the polyphenols showed noteworthy and significant beneficial effects on breast cancers.
Susanne Talcott and her perpetuate Steve conducted the clinical disaster and investigations.
Management of breast cancer
• The preliminary step towards the management of breast cancer is to deduce the causative and risk factors and steadily avoiding them. A family history of breast cancer, dietary errors, obesity, needy or no perceptible activity are strong contributing factors leading to the development of breast tumors.
• The next constitutive step, is a dietary and lifestyle overhaul. Eliminating certain foods from the diet matching as trans fats, gross fats, saturated fats, filtered and filtered foods, and alcohol, has a significant prophylactic effect. Also, as much as possible, intention your exposure to environmental carcinogens approximative second hand cigarette smoke, pollutants, and pesticides.
• Augment your intake of foods that are nutrient impenetrable and packed with anti - oxidants. Anti - oxidants are free elementary hunters and destroyers. They offset the lethal effects of free radicals and agency off the development of cancers, by preventing damage to the DNA.
The early detection of carcinoma breast is the key to the management. The American cancer society makes certain recommendations for the early detection of breast cancer for women in the age group of 20 to 39, and for women who are over 40 years.

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